18 January - 22 March 2020

With the current exhibition, the present members of the artists' association Silkaden create a unified manifestation of the strength and special character of the imagery. The exhibition is a reminder of the value and ability of visual language to communicate.

As an international guest and representative of a performative language, the group and the Art Center Silkeborg Bad have, in collaboration, invited the world-renowned Dutch choreographer Jiři Kylián. He himself has suggested showing documentation for a number of his works on display in the exhibition.

The artists of Silkaden use many different forms of expression. The audience will thus see painting, mixing form, weaving, sculpture, photography, ceramics, drawing and installation.

The participating artists are: Leif Dræby, Lars Bay, Peter Birk, Karen Birch Bunten, Søren Bredahl, Charlotte Overgaard Christensen, Doris Bundgaard Hansen, Birte Vedel Howard, Randi Kornerup-Bang, Nurith Miryam Lumer-Klabbers, Lisbeth Poulsen, Flemming Rask, Poul Erik Schröder, Bodil Lisbeth Thomsen and Laila Rask Pedersen.

SPROG ǀ LANGUAGE is also an anniversary exhibition from Silkaden. This artist association was founded by a number of artists in Silkeborg in 1990. with the aim of promoting the opportunity for annual local art exhibitions. Thus, the association has 30 years on its back in 2020. Several of the group's members today 17 members have been involved from the beginning, some have ceased, and further artists have joined.

Curator Trine Rytter Andersen has provided sparring to the group's members in connection with the current exhibition as well as for the organization of the exhibition.