11 January - 10 May 2020


Counter-punctual accounts
The exhibition is a graphic installation whose overall focus is time: The time that goes and the time that stands still. The audience is surrounded by works that the artists have created for the concrete exhibition rooms in Art Centre Silkeborg Bad's upper floor. The visual artists Tina Gjerulff, Joe Ingvartsen, Lis Rejnert Jensen and Steen Rasmussen are in close collaboration behind the exhibition, which includes various reports on time and a visual examination of this. In terms of expression and form, the audience at an MOMENT experiences the entire spectrum from classic graphics to three-dimensional installations. Read more

11 January - 24 May 2020


In her project Human Art Cultural Dialogue, Armenian photographer Tatev Mnatsakanyan has photographed older, perhaps today, somewhat forgotten artists. She has examined the thoughts and concerns of the artists that they express in their faces regardless of art or nationality. The portraits include older artists and scientists from, among others. Egypt, Poland, Norway, Denmark, Austria and Switzerland. The project also points out that artists who in their youth were pioneering often only gain recognition after their death.
Tatev Mnatsakanyan is an internationally recognized photographer and she has participated in art festivals and held photo exhibitions in a wide range of countries. Read more

18 January - 22 March 2020


Anniversary exhibition from Silkaden, that was formed in 1990 and now can mark the 30th anniversary as an artist association. With LANGUAGE ǀ LANGUAGE, the current members, each with their own expression, create an overall manifestation of the strength and special character of the imagery. The exhibition is a reminder of the value and ability of the visual language to communicate. Guest artist: Jiři Kylián (NL). Read more

18 January - 24 May 2020


Jan Holger Jerichau (1937-2019) was a sculptor. He worked with sculpture in many different materials - in recent years mainly in wood. Starting from the abstract he became more imaginative over the years: Beings and symbols emerge from the carved wood, where the surface is often worked with color, wax or coated with gold leaf. Jan Holger Jerichau was the fourth generation of the Jerichau artist family and lived with the legacy of the art his ancestors had created. Read more

30 May - 23 August 2020


This solo exhibition Waterbody by performance- and visual artist Nana Francisca Schottländer examines exchanges between man and other-than-human, embodied in bodily encounters with Silkeborg's landscapes and the beings and phenomena that inhabit them. The works revolve around intimacy across species and ways of being - bordering on the erotic. Photo, video and sculptural objects are collected in a spatial installation, which also specifically engages the visitors. Alongside the exhibition there is a program of talks, performances and rituals. Read more

30 May - 30 August 2020


Time is at the center of the exhibition. The artist group DeV+ shows a number of innovative works, exploring what time means to us. It is time as absolute and linear, time as sensed, time as timeless… The works are presented as one unified installation of photography, film, sculpture, drawing, etc.
Artists: Sofie Hertz (DK), Susanne Schmidt-Nielsen (DK), Kristina Kvalvik (N), Kirsten Schauser (DK), Michala Norup (DK) and Kristine Djurhuus (DK). Read more

30 May - 6 September 2020

NATURAL REBEL: Tamara De Laval and Charlotte Petersen 

In dialogue with the rooms, two artists stage an exhibition about dreams and living space. As the artists say: Our exhibition likes people. With their works, they want to create space for the soul and the life force. NATURAL REBEL includes paintings, a film and sculptural works and installations.
Artists: Tamara de Laval (S) and Charlotte Petersen (DK). Read more

5 September - 11 December 2020


FOREST DOCUMENTS is a collection of works that explore what a forest is. The Amazon Forest mirrors itself in water and invites us into an animated landscape that opens the window to another cosmology and way of understanding and being in the forest. With a combination of video works, photo installation, sound images and social interactive art, the viewer encounters not a universe, but a plurality of different forests. The project is being carried out by anthropologist Stine Krøijer and photographer Mike Kollöffel in collaboration with visual artist Berit Nørgaard and Jonas Fritsch and Halfdan Hauch Jensen, AIR Lab at ITU. Read more

12 September - 11 December 2020


An exhibition that looks outward and upward, namely towards the Nordic Region and the Nordic. The artists have noted a common root in and interest in das Unheimliche, for the Nordic melancholy, for the ambivalence in the encounter between nature and culture, and for the human mysterious identity. Nature is (often) viewed far away from political activities and the view revolves around the energies found in peripheral areas, secret gardens - a terrain vague on the edge of nature and culture. Graphics will be the exhibition bearing media. Danish artists: Vibe Bredahl, Malene Hartmann, Svend-Allan Sørensen, Gitte Bach and Knud Odde. Guests: Elina Länsman (FI), Anker Mortensen (FO) and Kent Iwemyr (S). Read more

12 September 2020 - 10 January 2021


Morten Juvet's (N) project COVER consists of 45 paintings, all in the same square format - as an record cover. Motivationally, the rabbit constitutes the common, ambiguous metaphor, and all paintings refer to the texts of rock music, where this particular vulnerable, but free animal recur. The artist combines visual parts from the original record covers with his own rabbit language. The project points to a connection across music genres. Read more