6 January - 2 April 2018


It is the fifth time that the International Triennal ARTAPESTRY shows a very updated selection of what is happening in today's weaving. Textile artists work very widely in these years and experiment with the many visual expressions that lie in the art, both in terms of subjects and themes. Some work with almost photographic representations, while others explore and paraphrase folkloristic motives, and others work abstractly with the material and colors. Read more


6 January - 15 April 2018


Professional artists in the Silkeborg area focus in the west wing on space and space understanding with a joint exhibition of newly created works. Participants: Klaus Becker, Preben Frederiksen, Steen A. Hovmand, Lisbeth Poulsen, Nurith Miryam Lumer-Klabbers, Jette Bækgaard, Rigmor Behind Frederiksen, Marianne Fossgreen, Mette Mailund Strong, Inge Lis Jørgensen and Karin Grünberger. Read more

13 January - 2 April 2018

The color first : JAN SIVERTSEN - painting

Jan Sivertsen (1951) attended The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts 1977-82 at the professors Sven Dalsgaard, Albert Mertz and Robert Jacobsen. His formative language is based on an abstract expressionism with almost diffuse figurative elements. With almost scientific precision, he works towards a totally distinctive expression with a strikingly color scheme. He lives and works in Paris. He was previously affiliated with Børge Birch's famous gallery, and has had many exhibitions in Denmark and abroad. Organized in collaboration with Sophienholm. Read more

7 April - 19 August 2018

TrykSammensurium (Print Hotchpotch)

Through a special work process and internal criticism, artists create interesting joint works that add something to what they can each. It is also a cultural meeting between Danish and Norwegian artists who, after many years of approaches, have formed the MIMWAJ group after the letters in their first names: Marit Tingnæs, Inghild Sleire, Merete Hol Tefre, Wencke Weifring, Annette Holdensen and Jeanie Jensen. Read more

14 April - 19 August 2018

Playful Dialogue In Time And Space

A visual and international meeting between two generations with Chinese Qi Baishi and Danish J.F. Willumsen as the older artists that a contemporary artist generation is in dialogue with. The focus is on works on paper, partly to be a place in life where you are both mature and experienced, and still have a living curiosity. Meet Tong Wang (China / Sweden), Helgi Thorgil Fridjónsson (Iceland), Holger Bunk (Germany / Holland) and Lars Ravn (Denmark / China). The exhibition is displayed in several countries. Read more

27. april - 26. august 2018

GORDON FAZAKERLEY: The Södergran series

Fazakerley was painter and poet, literary lover and poetry fan. English to the bone, but voluntarily exiled in Denmark most of his life. Born near Liverpool in 1937 and died in Copenhagen 2011.
In the last 5-6 years of his life, Fazakerley painted a series of more than 30 major cavases inspired by the Finnland/Swedish poet Edith Södergren's poems and her short, dramatic life. Read more

1 September - 9 December 2018

Beyond the Body

We are part of the stream of life. We change constantly. How do we deal with our transient body? How do we envisage death, that ultimate frontier? The Dutch curator Anne Berk invited seventeen artists for the exhibition Beyond the Body to reflect on these questions in art objects, installations and videos. They hold up their art as a mirror to us, leaving the answers to the visitor. Read more

15 September - 16 December 2018

Nature matter

Sergei Sviatchenko • collage

Curator: Faye Dowling

Sergei Sviatchenko (1952), who for instance acquires inspiration in modernism, constructivism and surrealism, has, if any in Denmark in recent times, worked with the collage. In this exhibition in the graphics section there is a particular focus on interpretation of local landscapes. Read more