Human Art Cultural Dialogue

11 January - 24 May 2020

Tatev Mnatsakanyan says about her project:

In Cultural Dialogues, I photographed older, forgotten artists, most of whom approached the sunset of their lives. I sought to delve into and reflect on what concerns and worries they may have and to spark dialogue between people of different generations and different ways of thinking. I wanted to question the norm that you forget respected artists who contributed new ideas and values in his or her particular field of art, and then pay tribute to them after their death.

The result of my photo project is a series of portraits that touch on ethical areas of human life. I did not try to hide signs of aging such as furrows or wrinkles, but instead focused on them - feeling what my models felt - in trying to see the traces from their past. Sometimes I saw loneliness, longing, untold secrets and pain, forgotten dramas, fears and even the panic of uncertainty. Sometimes, when talking to my models, they suddenly got tears in their eyes. In those cases, I stopped to photograph and felt their reaction instead.

The core of this project is humanistic; it is about love and compassion. In trying to understand my models and their lives, I wanted to help them find themselves. It is about lived life, the passing of time and the longing that is contained in the moment.

The artist will be present at the official opening on Saturday, 18 January.