Gordon Fazakerley: The Södergran Series

27 April - 26 August, 2018

The Södergran project became a yearlong passion for Fazakerley. He read about the short life of the young poet (1892-1923) about the tuberculosis that restricted her physique and caused her early death, about the poverty she and the mother ended in and about the war that waved back and forth in the area of the eastern Finland, now Russia, where she lived.
He closely read her poetry and transformed her words pictures into his own imagery.
Another dimension of the Södergran series is Fazakerley's fascination with the Finnish-Swedish diction, which he heard in the actor Stina Ekblad's readings of Södergren's poetry..
The pictures are painted in oil, as Fazakerley always did. A closer look reveals that parts of the image surfaces are built up by infinite number of brush strokes and meticulously composed of colors from the whole scale. It was Fazakerley's method developed through many years of work in the studio. He was educated in England, and the inspiration from his famous compatriot William Turner's colourist explosions is obvious.

The exhibition also places Gordon Fazakerley in context like the Drakabygget and the Scandinavian part of Situationalism, which he early was a part of.