Psychedelic Landscapes

May 14 – September 6, 2015

With the means of painting visual artist Birgitte Lund creates a total installation for the central ‘column exhibition room’ at the art centre. The spectator can stroll around in an open painterly landscape, giving associations to their remembrance of nature and to the nature just outside the exhibition building.

The abstract paintings of Birgitte Lund are often formed as serial sequences where several paintings are placed side-by-side and in rows above each. With this total installation she seriously unfolds the idea of serial visual work.

Birgitte Lund works with colour in an intense and focused manner. In a way she is absorbing herself into colour as it being a kingdom of meaning and vibrating life. This absorption is a time-consuming process including seeing and reading the colours of nature, the colour of landscape, the colours of life and colour in itself.

She experiments with different binders and materials, which add different expressions of textural effect. She builds up the panting in different layers, keeping a transparency present and notion of narrative, which is introduces and then again erased.

One finds an overall horizontal direction in her painting. It is possible for the glance to flow un-prevented to both sides and into the depth of the motive – like in real landscape. Anyway Birgitte Lund is challenging this decisive feeling of direction with different means. Small spots and stains of paint function as vertical breaks or chocks of movement. The same stains of paint add dimensions of in front of or behind, and in this way a direction into the depths of the painting is opened.

”The clear notion of landscape in her work has the quality of the poem. Colour can be like words, which during reading opens to more meaning and several layers, then further forward the ’reader’ meet breaks in narrative – now the rhythm of sound is the guide, then a new break leading to a new dimension in the narration, etc. This is her way of using colour. And also she uses unexpected colours and meeting between colours”, Iben From writes in the exhibition catalogue.

Visitors will see art work from four different series: Psychedelic Landscapes, Sub Landscapes, Ice Landscapes and  Cross Section Landscapes. The exhibition include 42 paintings on canvas and 12 wooden paraphrases and an installation with 366 small paintings called ”366 A year of Psychedelic Landscapes”. All works on exhibit have been created during a four-year period of concentration – with the goal of this exhibition at the Art Centre Silkeborg Bad.

The following Danish Funds have supported the artist’s work creating this exhibition: Erling Ruth Dahlers Legat, 15. Juni Fonden, Grosserer L.F. Foghts Fond and Billedhuggeren, professor Gottfred Eickhoff og hustrus, maleren Gerda Eickhoffs Fond.