S.E.S. - Sculpture Experiment Silkeborg

August 20 - September 25, 2016 in the Sculpture Park by Art Centre Silkeborg Bad


S.E.S. is open all around the clock and there i free access for visitors. By the entrance a brochure including a map view of the park can be picked up. For those who want there daily guided tours are provided at 14.00 and 16.00 pm. Duration 1 hour.  


Brochure can be seen  <link file:2326 download internal link in current>here.



En jury har vurderet, hvilke af de indsendte projektforslag, der bedst repræsenterede en eksperimenterede og udforskende tilgang til skulpturbegrebet, om forslagene er tænkt specifikt til SES, om de har konkrete relevante sammenhænge til stedet, og om der arbejdes kreativt med brug af materialer i det skulpturelle eksperiment.  Af i alt 33 modtagne projektforslag, udvalgte de i alt 13 projekter, hvor af de 12 bliver realiseret. I juryen var billedhugger Erland Knudssøn Madsen, galleriejer Henrik Omme samt kunsthistoriker og direktør Iben From.  



Lars Abrahamsen, Erik Brandt, Trine Brix, Trine Guld, Ida Guldhammer, Jørn Hansen, Jytte Høeg, Jens Chr. Jensen, Gudrun Steen-Andersen, Søren Schaarup og Stinne Teglhus and (joint project), Edel J.E. Hartvig Willerup and Jørgen Willerup (joint project). The artists come from whole DK. 



S.E.S. is a new open air sculpture event, this year being developed as a joint project by Danish Sculptor’s Association and the Art Centre Silkeborg Bad. For this reason the artists being members of Danish Sculptor’s Association in 2016 have been the ones able to submit project suggestions. 


A jury decided which of the submitted project suggestions that in the best way responded to an experimental and investigation approach to the notion of sculpture, if they were thought out specifically to S.E.S., if they had incorporated site specific subject and if there was a creative approach to the use of materials in the single experiment.  From a total of 33 submitted project suggestions, they choose 13 projects, from which 12 are being realized. Jury member were Danish sculptor Erland Knudssøn Madsen, owner of Galerie Moderne Silkeborg Henrik Omme and art historian, chief curator Iben From.  


It is our goal with S.E.S. to develop a periodic format of this open air sculpture event which has experimental approach to the creation of sculpture and which revives and uses the possibilities of the park area in a new way. 

S.E.S. Sculpture Experiment Silkeborg