Forest of Prints - Danish Graphic Artists

January 16 – September 11, 2016

131 Danish graphic artists manifest their abilities with a total installation. The organization Danish Graphic Artists comprises more than 220 professional graphic artists, and most of them contributes to the exhibition "Forest of Prints". They have created new works in specific formats that form a part of the total installation – a forest.  They all were focused to elaborate on the theme “The individual in relation to the notion of global” or if you want the individual versus the global.  All prints have been united in one common staging – a forest – in a dialogue with the exhibition spaces. This united way of working is possible because of Danish Graphic Artists being an association of professionally working artists. Read more on the Danish website

LUBOK from Leipzig
As kind of sideshow and another international element in the exhibition the artist’s book publisher LUBOK from Leipzig present a selection of their books, printed with linocut etc. The publishers LUBOK has since  2007 published a huge number of artist’s books, so0m of them with contributions from up to ten artists and also artist’s books with only one artist, one of them being Danish Tal R. Read more about the project PrintJam
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The Lightness of Paper and a Forest to walk in
The huge numbers of prints are installed and presented hanging down from the ceiling in free space without any framing. The paper is long thin banners of Chinese Wenzho paper. Each art work is hanging from wires close to the ceiling. Daylight mingles from the windows and electric spots from the ceiling. In this way a “Graphic Forest” is formed where light is playing between the “leaves” and accentuate the inherent lightness and weight. Graphic work is most beautiful without framing.

Knowledge about Graphics
The visitors are offered more knowledge about the many graphic techniques through framed posters on the wall. Also viewing samples of a graphic compendium are placed in the exhibition holding easily read texts useful for as well the professional and the amateur. Maybe some will find inspiration to try printing and work with graphic art.

A regular catalogue book will follow in Spring 2016. This catalogue will document the exhibition and be a lyrical statement to the work of the artist or to the theme of the exhibition.  The statement can be readable, unreadable, meaningful, senseless, poetic, prose, abstract, minimalist, etc. Uniting for them are is that they are tied to letters. All together the graphic work on exhibit, the compendium, the later catalogue and the artist’s books from Leipzig show something about the range of graphic expression. 

Participating Artists
Anna Marie Frank, Allan Nordmark, Ann-Kerstina Nielsen, Anne Marie Ploug, Anne Lildholdt Jensen, Anna Lindgren, Anneline Schjødt Pedersen, Annarosa Holm, Birgitte Thorlacius, Birthe Reinau, Bodil Nielsen, Bodil Rosenberg, Bendt Ulrich Sørensen, Bo Mølgaard, Bente Polano, Børge Christian Meibom, Birgitte Greve, Bertil Skov Jørgensen, Bjarne Agerbo, Charlotte Grangaard Jensen, Claus Handgaard Jørgensen, Christina Duelund, Carsten Hansen, Cresta Simonsen, Catherine Poher, Carin Larsen, Claudio Bannwart, Cicilie Enevold Nielsen, Dorte Naomi, Delphine Flyvehavn, Dorte Øckenholt, Edel J.E. Hartvig Willerup, Erik Ditlevsen, Eva Carstensen, Finn Naur Petersen, Gorm Spaabæk, Gay Christensen, Gitte Bach, Gorm Eriksen, Gitte Harslev, Henriette Camilla Hansen, Hans Helge Nielsen, Henrik Bøegh, Henriette Heyn Olsen, Helle Mie Hellesen, Helle Koch, Helle Frøsig, Hanne Sie, Hussein Tai, Hanne Knudsdatter, Hanne Ravn Hermansen, Ingrid Marie Jelbech, Inge Marie Mørcke, Inger Lise Rasmussen, Jens Damkjær Nielsen, Jens Uffe Rasmussen, Jens Vøldike, Jytte Rex, Jørgen Willerup, Johanne Foss, Jannik Seidelin, Joe Ingvartsen, Joseph Salamon, Jane Maria Petersen, Jens Bohr, Jennifer Clarke, Kristina S. Jakobsen, Kirstine Vaaben, Karen Bjerresgaard, Karen Linnet Olesen, Karen Serena, Kate Skjerning, Karen Abell, Katja Løgstrup-Hansen, Lene Degett, Lars Heiberg, Lis M. Jensen , Lene Leveau, Lis Rejnert Jensen, Lisbeth Tingholm, Lea Boruszek, Lise Nørholm, Lene Bennike, Louise Breyen, Melou Vanggaard, Mette Borup Kristensen, Mette Høyen Andersen, Maria Wæhrens, Malene Hartmann, Maximilian Marnhn, Martin Askholm, Mikkel Olaf Eskildsen, Marina Salmaso, Maria Hornshøj, Morten Skovmand, Monika Petersen, Nalini Printz, Nikolaj Nielsen, Odd Larsson, Peter Brandt, Pernille Andersen, Pernille Kløvedal Helweg, Pia Møller-Light, Pia Skogberg, Palle Rud Cristoffersen, Peter Tang, Poul Erik Nielsen, Rasmus Eckardt, Roger Fohlmann, Randi Martin, Rasmus Danø, Rikke Winther, Selini Halvadaki, Susanne Wellm, Sergei Sviatchenko, Susanne Helweg, Søren Hillerup Vaag, Sara Skaaning, Steen Rasmussen, Tine Hind, Torben Lundsted, Tomas Lagermand Lundme, Tina Uhrskov, Teresa Larsen, Tine Becker, Tine Meyer, Trine Anderschou, Thorkild Havmøller, Torben Søborg, Tine Kjølsen, Torben Heron, Ulla Madsen, Vivian Rose, Villy Jørgensen, Vibeke Jerichau, Yahya Azizghodsi Pour, Åse Eg Jørgensen.