Dutch Realism

We have chosen to introduce eleven modern Dutch Realist painters to a Danish audience. In collaboration with the Danish artist Dennis Møgelgaard, a careful selection of talented artists has been made. In this collection we have the opportunity to acquaint ourselves with many beautiful scens - paintings that appear to be almost three-dimensional in their brilliant tangibility.

The Netherlands has a long and wonderful history of realistic paintings; the still-lifes, interiors and landscape painting of the 17th century are celebrated highlights of art history.

The exhibition was shown at Sophienholm in the autumn of 2005.



(Born in 1940)

Graduated from the Royal Academy of Art and Desing in 's Hertogenbosch.

Exhibitions in the Netherlands and abroad since 1967; works and lives in Utrecht. An eminently skilled draughtsman, his style and craftmanship compares with that of the old masters.



Hare. Etching 1979


(Born in Den Haag 1952)

Studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rotterdam from 1969 to 1970 and subsequently at the Academy of Fine Arts in Tilburg.

From 1976 to 1984 Joke Frima lived in Italy, where she studied at the Studio Simi in Firenze. Since 1979 Joke Frima has exhibited in the Netherlands and abroad. She taught at the Assosazione Culturale per Disegno e Pittura Realistica in Firenze from 1981 to 1984; returned to the Netherlands in 1985. In 1999 she moved to France, she now lives and works in Biches. Joke Frima paints still-lifes and landscapes in strong colour compositions and a precise, realistic style.



Cascade. Oil 2001


(Born in Drachten 1962)

Began his studies in 1981 at the Academy of Fine Arts Vredeman de Vries in Leeuwarden. Continued at the Minerva Akademy of Fine Arts in Groningen. Since 1990 Pieter Pander has exhibited at various galleries. He also created murals, among others for ING-Lease in Amsterdam. Pieter Pander lives and works in Franeker; his style is free using many tones of grey in a mix of realism and abstraction.



Self-portrait with snorkel . Oil 2004


(Born in Groningen 1961)

Graduated in 1984 as teacher from the Academy of Fine Arts in Groningen (a training aimed at teaching adult students). Winner of the 2002 Public's Prize at the First Biennale in Arnhem. Sebens is represented in the highly estimated Art Collection of ING. Sebens often paints still-lifes and interiors in a precise, naturalistic style, his compositions are remarkably clear, showing intense colurs.



Textiles. Oil 2002


(Born in Utrecht 1945)

Studied in 1959-1964 at the Graphical School in Utrecht. Member of Arti et Amicitiae

in Amsterdam. Since 1969 he has exhibitied in the Netherlands and abroad. Peter

van Poppel paints in a very precise, realistic style, where the theatrical and magical elements play an important part.




(Born in Den Helder 1968)

Graduated in 1991 from the Minerva Academy of Fine Arts in Groningen.
Exhibits in the Netherlands and abroad. Dijkstra is represented in the highly estimated Art Collection of ING. 
Lives and works in Dwingeloo. In 1998 Dijkstra received the Culture Prize of the province of Drente.

He is known for his realistic watercolourings and his eminent landscape woodcuts.

Spring at Helnæs. Woodcut 1998


(Born in Oldebroek 1897; died in Amsterdam 1991)

Trained in 1920-1924 as a drawing master at the Rijksnormaalschool in 
Amsterdam. Worked as drawing master at this school between 1928 and 1963. Since 1936  a member of Arti et Amicitiae in Amsterdam. Since 1935 his works have been exhibited at a large number of galleries and institutions abroad. Jan van Tongeren is celebrated for his constructed, almost abstract still-lifes.


Still-life with jug and grapefruits


(Born in Zierikzee 1941)

Studied in 1966 and 1967 at the High Institute of Painting in Antwerpen.

Since 1993 his works are represented at the prestigious Art Collection of ING. Pieters lives and works in Oostburg. his paints realistic fantasy scenes with a decorative element and a dream-like atmosphere.


Self-portrait with Chinese lamp. Oil 1995




(Born in Sassenheim 1951)

Studied between 1976 and 1981 and graduated from the Minerva Academy of Fine arts. Since 1984 Durieux has exhibitied his works in the Netherlands and abroad. His works are respresented in the prstigious art Collection of ING.

Peter Durieux lives and works in Usquert; his motives are often sunny landscapes painted in a remarkably detailed style, the formats are often panoramic.


Stairs Roumégoux. Acrylic 2003



(Born in Westeremden 1945)

Graduated from the Minerva Academy of Fine Arts in Groningen.

Since 1967 Helmatel has exhibited his works in museums and galleries in the Netherlands and abroad.

Since 1985 he also exhibits permanently at the Vicarage of 


(Born in Nierstein, Germany 1926)

Studied at the Karlsruhe Kunstakademie 1942-43 and the Artists' Colony in Darmstadt 1948-49. Since 1949 his works mainly concentrate on depictions of the human figure. From 1955 onwanrds Markard worked with designs for the theatre on an international basis. From 1980 onwards his work is concentrated on paiting in glazing technique. Today he mainly paints life-size painting of the human character and life progress. Lives and works in Amsterdam.


Sayoko (detail). Acrylic 1995-97