Close Up

The artists participating in Close Up are: GTT/Günther Auer (Austria), Margi Geerlinks (The Netherlands), Raija Jokinen (Finland), Line Kramhøft (Denmark), Anka Landtau (Germany), Tomasz Paczewski (Poland), Dorte Persson (Denmark), Po Shu Wang and Louise Bertelsen (Hong Kong, USA, Denmark) and Wim Delvoye (Belgium).

These young artists work in different fields, thus the Art Centre will be presenting an exhibition including dance, performance, photo, painting, textile, sculpture, installation, and video, giving a broad picture of today's practice in these fields.


(born 1970, The Netherlands)

2005. Courtsy of TORCH gallery, Amsterdam

"The viewer is left with the strange impression of timelessness, or perhaps overlapping time, in front of what otherwise seems to be an accurate and credible scenario."

(Quote from the book "MARGI GEERLINKS - crafting humanity" 2001)


(born 1960, Finland)

Spotted 2006. Flax, stiched.


(born 1952, Germany)

An die Madonna 2006. Plaster, various sizes, part of a large indoor-and-outdoor installation.

Many regular visitors to the Art Centre will remember the sculptor Anka Landtau from her participation in the exhibition WATERSHED in 2002.