January, 14 - April 2, 2017



A retrospective view back on a long life with sculptural art reveals different contexts across his oeuvre and different phases and field of interest for this artist.


Sculptor Keld Moseholm through-out his life worked with sculpture as his expression. He used his art to investigate the nature of life and to express what has been important for him.


Trained classically by professor Gottfred Eickhoff at The Royal Danish Academy in the years 1965-1970 he got an important basis and set-off.  Through his continuous focus on the body as a motive he manged to give a living warm vision of human life and also a monumental sculptural form.


He often renders life and family members just beside him in a naturalist approach, but also the many chubby and more anonymous figures has an important, beloved and well respected position in his art.


Moseholm's sculptures are to be found many places in public space, and this count as well for his more classical figures typically showing one person as for sculptural groups. In Denmark his work can be found in DGI-City in Copenhagen, by University of Aalborg University Centre, in Gilleleje, Slagelse and in Silkeborg at the old paper mill. And then of course especially many can be found around the island of Fyn, as on this island close to Faaborg is where he lives and works.  


People choose to raise these sculptures where they are today. And this proves that their stories and 'message' also found their response among us. Gentle expressions about life, growth and vigour. Sayings about the relation between two. Humourist and ironic expressions about human aims, in defiance.


The exhibition presents around 35 larger and smaller sculptures from the period 1961-2016, a selection of the artist's croquis drawings through the years and 40 smaller models for sculptures. Also a portrait film from 2016 by Jytte Reimer and Sven Storm can be seen in the exhibition.  


Art Centre Silkeborg Bad, January 14 - April 2, 2017.