Europathy - "Europa Felix"

October 14 - December 30, 2017

Europe is no longer the world's only center. The understanding of what community we have is spread like the light in a prism of past understanding, future wishes and reflection in the present. A "Niebuhrsk" journey is what it takes to shake these imagined communities and ideas about communities up.

The story itself is destiny bound to the victor. However, some events are so important, cruel or revolutionary that the Europeans are European and not German or French. The events still stand sharp as transpersonal life lesson we must never forget. 

By illuminating different aspects and themes with a transmedial grip, the journey is about portraying our own ideas and prejudices about Europe. Under this concept, the many themes such as nationalism, exclusion and inclusion, tradition and development in individual and shared works are depicted exactly as Niebuhr's traveling companions were interested in the specific, but drew on each other's desire and knowledge.

In the European image language, the peoples and stereotypes attached to them are delineated. The patinated souvenir dolls are skeptically scowling at each other over a national dish they have shared for hundreds of years - perhaps a picture of waking trust to those who come from the country on the other side of the invisible border bar? (Reference to work by Jeanette Land Schou)

Another work with the participation of all the artists is an opera video "A European Afternoon". The libretto is written by Nanna Gro Henningsen, who uses European authors, philosophers and contemporary events as the basic material, the music was written by Jakob Draminsky Højmark. The image page consists largely of video footage from the group's joint trip to Athens.

There will be a lot of solo and dialogue works in the media photo, video, installation, painting and ceramics. The imagined community is expressed in the questions the many works can ask.

All works are created specifically for this exhibition.

The exhibition involves:

Bodil Brems (

Vicky Steptoe (

Nina Maria Kleivan (

Pernelle Maegaard (

Karen Gabel Madsen (

Nanna Gro Henningsen (

Jeanette Landschou (

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Member of the Board of the DEO (Democracy in Europe Education Association), 
Jasmine Søgaard, held October 14 the opening speech at the new exhibition "Europathy - Europa Felix". In the speech, Jasmine thanked the eight artists for reflection on what Europe and European identity are. Under the slogan Democracy Requires Participation, Jasmine also came across the major challenges facing the EU and especially the southern European countries. It was called for each of us to decide which European future we will fight for.

Read the full speech here